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Performance Problem

Hi guys,

I'm experiencing some performance problem's with sfschedule and I hope someone tell's  what I'm doing wrong.

Here's ny XAML definition for the Schedule:

    <syncfusion:SfSchedule x:Name="Scheduler" DataSource="{Binding AppointmentCollection}"  Grid.Row="0" ScheduleView="MonthView" Locale="pt"/>

In my viewmodel, I have a callback from a webservice that populates the AppointmentCollection that way:

public void ShowSchedule(List < Appointment > listAppointment) {
 ScheduleAppointmentCollection TempCollection = new ScheduleAppointmentCollection();

 foreach(Appointment a in listAppointment) {
  ScheduleAppointment appointment = new ScheduleAppointment();
  appointment.StartTime = a.Date;
  appointment.EndTime = a.Date;
  appointment.EndTime = appointment.EndTime.AddHours(2);

 AppointmentCollection = TempCollection

Could somebody help me?


3 Replies

SP Subburaj Pandian Veluchamy Syncfusion Team April 29, 2016 02:26 PM UTC

Hi Guilherme, 
We have analyzed the provided scenario, we need some more details for further analysis, for that could you please provide the information for the below, 
1.Whether the AppointmentCollection is dynamically updated (periodically) 
2.Whether the properties of those appointments were updated dynamically. 
3.Specific issue reproducing platforms in Xamarin forms (Android, iOS or Windows) 
4.Total number of appointments added in the schedule view. 
If possible, could you please provide us simple issue reproducing sample, so that we could analyze on that and provide you better solution. 
Sivakumar P 

GU Guilherme May 10, 2016 11:49 PM UTC

Hello Sivakumar,

Sorry for the delay.  

So, answering your questions:

1- Yes, AppointmentCollection is dynamically updated. We get our appointments from a server and display on Schedule.
2- Cause we are experiencing a lack of performance on Schedule, we decided  to use only Dates on our objects. So, we basecally have a list of dates, iterate over them creating ScheduleAppointments, and adding to the collection. The ScheduleAppointments are set to have StartTime, EndTime and Color(only one color)
3- We only tested on Android
4- It's hard to say how much appointments, but the limit is 30 (since we are only populating one appointment per day).

I uploaded a sample at github, could you take a look please?


Thank you and sorry for the poor english. 

SG Swathi Gopal Syncfusion Team May 11, 2016 12:20 PM UTC

Hi Guilherme, 
Thanks for your update. 
We have already logged an issue with “Application hangs when appointment collection is added dynamically in VisibleDatesChanged Event” in Xamarin.Forms (Android). The issue fix will be included in our upcoming Essential Studio Volume 2 release, 2016 which is expected to be rolled out by the mid of June month. We appreciate your patience until then. 
Swathi G 

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