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ASMono Support

Is the DatePicker suported in Linux Mono? If it is supported, how can I implement it?


1 Reply

FP Francis Paul Antony Raj Syncfusion Team April 29, 2016 11:29 AM UTC

Hi Oscar, 


Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 


Yes, we can implement the DatePicker Component in Linux Mono. We have ensured our DatePicker component in RC1 which is working properly in Linux OS.  Please try the below steps to run the web application in Linux OS which we have tried. 


Step 1: First of all, you need to create a flat web application using terminal in Linux. We have referred the following blogs which helps to create a new web application using yeoman generator. Kindly refer below blogs until create a new web application using terminal. 


1)  http://docs.asp.net/en/latest/getting-started/installing-on-linux.html 

2)  http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/878984/ASP-NET-and-Ubuntu ­­­­ 


Step 2: You need to add our Syncfusion packages in dnx location of your current user. To find the location use this ‘\~.dnx’ command in finder which will available as hidden folder of current user then you can find the Packages folder as a child of .dnx folder. Now place our syncfusion packages into that location. 


Note:  Make sure that, newly generated application have referred 1.0.0-rc1-final related packages in project.json file. 


Step 3. After create an application and shipped the packages to dnx folder, you need to include our namespace, dependent files in that application.  

·         Add syncfusion namespace in _viewimport.cshtml under view folder.   
·         Add dependencies in project.json file. 
·         Refer the dependent files in layout page  
·         Add Script manager in Layout page at the bottom of body tag. 
·         Add DatePicker or any of our component in view page  


Step 4: Run “dnu restore” command to restore the packages for this application 


Step 5:  To Build the project use “dnu build” command and then pick “dnx web” command to execute, it will build the application and host the application. 


Step 6: By default, localhost: 5000 web application will host, so try localhost: 5000 in any of your browser. 

Now you can see the DatePicker Component rendered in the web page. 


Please let us know, if you need any further assistance. 



Francis Paul A 

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