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Updating a node inside a group doesn't update Group's handle size

Good morning,

I'm having  problem in my implementation. The context goes like this:

I have crated an extension to the group node for my implementation, that contains a BitMapNode, and a Rectangle node (that will have variable size and text as a label) and other components. When i update the Rectangle's text the size also varies but when I select it the node's handles do not show an update to the bounds. I have tried a lot of the update methods but there is no success. I am having an Overflow exception in another part and there is the possibility that this might be the cause.

here is the code where i change the text's content (this reffers to my custom Group class).

public void ChangeLabel(string txt)
           if (txt != null && txt != string.Empty)
               //if (this.model.Nodes.Contains(this)) this.model.RemoveChild(this);
               var sizeSpace = ((txt.ToArray<char>()).Count()) * 8;
               if (this.Nodes.Contains(this.StepnameLabel)) this.RemoveChild(this.StepnameLabel);
               this.StepnameLabel = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Rectangle(BmpNode.PinPoint.X - sizeSpace / 2, BmpNode.PinPoint.Y + 30, sizeSpace, 15, MeasureUnits.Pixel);
               var color = Color.Transparent;
               var label = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.Label(StepnameLabel, txt);
               label.FontStyle.Family = "Segoe UI";
               StepnameLabel.FillStyle.Color = color;
               StepnameLabel.LineStyle.LineColor = color;
               StepnameLabel.Visible = true;
               StepnameLabel.EditStyle.AllowSelect = false;
                   this.Name = "something";

I upload images to display the problem.

Thank you for your quick response.

Attachment: graphicbug_d810adec.zip

1 Reply

DS Devaraj Sekar Syncfusion Team April 25, 2016 12:04 PM UTC

Hi Sergio, 
Thanks for using Syncfusion Product. 
Please use group’s “UpdateCompositeBounds()” method to achieve your requirement. 
Code Snippet: 
public void ChangeLabel(string txt) 
// To Update Group’s Bounds. 

Devaraj. S. 

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