Hi Jaime,
We deeply regret for the inconvenience caused.
Query 1: After taken a look to: http://help.syncfusion.com/aspnetmvc/fileexplorer/localization-and-rtl-support. There some keys and texts missing on the documentation:
Unfortunately, our online link http://help.syncfusion.com/aspnetmvc/fileexplorer does not contain the up-to date version details. Currently, we are making corrections in the documents with updated details and we will publish it as soon as possible.
Query 2: How can I change the header, error label, and buttons' text from in the pop-up?
You can change the localization content for above mentioned parameters with corresponding key values. Refer following code example to customize the value by using its key terms.
@*Custom Localization settings*@
<script type="text/javascript">
var CustomDetails = {
Error: "CustomError",
ReplaceAlert: "C-File named '{0}' already exists. Replace old file with new one?",
YesToAllButton: "C-Yes to all",
NoToAllButton: "C-No to all",
YesButton: "C-Yes",
NoButton: "C-No",
DialogCloseToolTip: "C-Close"
$.extend(ej.FileExplorer.Locale["en-US"], CustomDetails);
Query 3: When the filename is too long, the question is hidden.
We have analyzed the reported issue with our sample; specified issue may be occurs in previous versions of Essential Studio, but its working properly in latest version of Essential Studio 2016 Volume 1 (v14.1.0.41). You can check this through our following online sample link. http://mvc.syncfusion.com/demos/web/fileexplorer/default
You can download the latest version of Essential studio from below link:
Still if you have this problem, please provide some additional information to reproduce this issue. This would be helpful for us to serve you.