Hi Derrick,
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.
Please find the below steps to reduce the PDF file size.
Doc to PDF converter supports to reduce the image quality of the converted PDF file, so you can reduce the converted PDF file size, Please refer the below code snippet for more details.
//word document
WordDocument wordDocument = new WordDocument("../../DoctoPDF.doc");
//Create new instance for the doc to pdf converter
DocToPDFConverter converter = new DocToPDFConverter();
//Set the image quality
converter.Settings.ImageQuality = 10;
You can set the PDF document compression level to it is best to reduce the file size. Please refer the below code snippet.
//Convert the word document to PDF
PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertToPDF(wordDocument);
//Set the PDF compression
doc.Compression = PdfCompressionLevel.Best;
//Save the document
And also we have created a simple sample for your reference, please refer the below sample for more details.
Please let us know if you have any concern.