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Problem displaying text using PdfTrueTypeFont in PdfLightTable


I'm using a PdfLightTable to display text in a table.
I used PdfStandardFont but I had to change to PdfTrueTypeFont to support unicode characters.

When I used PdfStandardFont, the text fitted nicely in the table cells, but now with PdfTrueTypeFont it goes beyond the bottom of the cells when several lines are displayed, and the last lines of a cell are displayed over the next cell.

Do I have to set each cell's MinimalHeight depending on the text it contains, or is there something else I'm missing ?

Thank you.

5 Replies

CM Chinnu Muniyappan Syncfusion Team April 11, 2016 12:40 PM UTC

Hi Kyrill,

We are not able to reproduce the issue and we have created a simple sample which we have tried in our side. Could you please modified this sample to reproduce the issue, it will be more helpful for us to investigate further in this.

Sample link:


KY Kyrill April 11, 2016 02:06 PM UTC

Hi Chinnu,

Sorry I should have specified that I'm working on a Xamarin.iOS project, and I'm loading fonts from .ttf files.

I made changes to the Form1.cs in the sample project, please tell me if it helps you reproduce the problem. I couldn't test this sample project as I only have Xamarin Studio.

Also, I noticed the problem only happens on device (iPad Air 2, iOS 9) and not in the iOS Simulator (also iPad, iOS 9).

Thanks for your help.


Attachment: PdfLightTableSample_edited_c110778b.zip

CM Chinnu Muniyappan Syncfusion Team April 12, 2016 01:13 PM UTC

Hi Kyrill,
We have created a sample and tested with ipad it was working fine. Can you please check the below sample for your environment and let us know the details; Meanwhile we are trying with different devices.
Sample link;


KY Kyrill April 13, 2016 09:18 AM UTC


I changed your code to reproduce the problem, this time it happens also on the simulator...
Maybe it has something to do with the font used ? I noticed the problem by using Helvetica and Courier.

Thanks for your help.


Attachment: PdfTableCreation_Updated_Code_a4c6037.zip

CM Chinnu Muniyappan Syncfusion Team April 14, 2016 08:58 AM UTC

Hi Kyrill,

We were able to reproduce the problem and have logged defect report regarding this. A support incident to track the status of this defect has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates


Please let me know if you have any questions.


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