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Is SfPdfViewer available in "Syncfusion controls for WinRT XAML, Version="

Good morning,

I'm currently trying to display a PDF in my Windows Store App, using my version of Syncfusion :

The link below is pretty interesting, but I'm not able to find those namespaces...


Am I missing the point or does my version not support this feature ?

Thank you very much,

1 Reply

DG Deepak Gunasekaran Syncfusion Team April 5, 2016 03:30 PM UTC

Hi Julien,

We have support for SfPdfViewer in the Essential Studio version under Windows 8 environment.

Could you please provide the below details to us, it will be helpful for us to investigate further and provide you better solution on this?

1.      Visual Studio.

2.      .NET Framework.

3.      Operating System.

4.      System Bit information.

5.      Reproducing steps.

6.      Screenshots of the issue you have faced (if any)


Deepak G

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