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SfSchedule inside stacklayout


I would like to know if it is possible to insert SfSChedule inside a stacklayout. I want to show the Scheduler and a ListView below.

Sorry for the poor English :(


3 Replies

NM Nijamudeen Mohamed Sulaiman Syncfusion Team April 4, 2016 07:11 AM UTC

Hi Guilherme,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support.

We have fixed the mentioned issue with SfSchedule when added in StackLayout of Xamarin. The fix for this issue will be included in our upcoming volume 1, 2016 release which is expected to be available by the end of this week. We appreciate your patience until then.

Nijamudeen M.

PE Peter April 4, 2016 02:54 PM UTC

Hi Guilherme,

I know you asked for a Stacklayout, but have you thought about using a GridLayout?
I find it gives you more control on where each control is placed. Below I placed an example, in which the SfSchedule
takes 70% of the available room vertically and the listview 30%:

<RowDefinition Height="0.7*"></RowDefinition>
<RowDefinition Height="0.3*"></RowDefinition>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>

<sfschedule:SfSchedule Grid.Row="0" ScheduleView="WeekView"/>
<ListView Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="12345"></ListView>

In C#

                 public KalenderPage()

Grid grid = new Grid();
grid.RowDefinitions = new RowDefinitionCollection
new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(0.7, GridUnitType.Star) },
new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(0.3, GridUnitType.Star) }

grid.Children.Add( new SfSchedule() { ScheduleView = ScheduleView.WeekView }, 0, 0 );
grid.Children.Add( new ListView() { ItemsSource="12345" }, 0, 1 );

Content = grid;


SG Swathi Gopal Syncfusion Team April 5, 2016 11:55 AM UTC

Hi Peter,


Thanks for your interest in our Syncfusion product. 

Although it is placed in different layout, the provided code in your previous update might satisfy his requirements, as mentioned in our previous update the sizing related issue with stack layout  has been fix and the fix for this issue will be included in our upcoming volume 1, 2016 release which is expected to be available by the end of this week.  We appreciate your patience until then.


Swathi G

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