I am using DropDownButtonAdv in my View. I made one ViewModel per View, and other bindings on View is working.
How to bind items to the DropDownButtonAdv.
Binding needs to have Header, Command and CommandParameter.
I have class of BtnItem (Header string, Command ICommand, CommandParameter string) that is populating from db.
On my ViewModel, I have ObservableCollection<BtnItem> ItemsCollection that I want to bind.
My Collection is filling, but I can not bind items in xaml.
I try with Style
<syncfusion:DropDownMenuGroup ItemsSource="{Binding ItemsCollection}">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type syncfusion:DropDownMenuItem}">
<Setter Property="syncfusion:DropDownMenuItem.Header" Value="{Binding ItemsCollection.Header}" />
I am getting error that {"A style intended for type 'DropDownMenuItem' cannot be applied to type 'ContentPresenter'."}
Can somebody help me with this issue that I have?
Thank You,