<script src="../Scripts/ej/ej.unobtrusive.min.js"></script> <div class="frame "> <div> <ej:Grid ID="EmployeesGrid" runat="server" DetailsTemplate="#tabGridContents"> <ClientSideEvents DetailsDataBound="detailsdatabound" /> <Columns> <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="Employee ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" /> <ej:Column Field="FirstName" HeaderText="First Name" Width="100" /> <ej:Column Field="Title" HeaderText="Title" Width="120" /> <ej:Column Field="City" HeaderText="City" Width="100" /> <ej:Column Field="Country" HeaderText="Country" Width="100" /> </Columns> </ej:Grid> </div> <div id="tabGridContents" style="display:none"> <ej:Grid ID="Grid1" runat="server" > <Columns> <ej:Column Field="EmployeeID" HeaderText="Employee ID" IsPrimaryKey="True" TextAlign="Right" Width="75" /> <ej:Column Field="FirstName" HeaderText="First Name" Width="100" /> <ej:Column Field="Title" HeaderText="Title" Width="120" /> <ej:Column Field="City" HeaderText="City" Width="100" /> <ej:Column Field="Country" HeaderText="Country" Width="100" /> </Columns> </ej:Grid> </div> </div> <script> function detailsdatabound(args) { args.detailsElement.find(".e-grid").attr("id", "Grid" + args.data.EmployeeID) var id = args.detailsElement.find(".e-grid").attr("id") $("#"+id).empty(); ej.widget.init($("#"+id).parent()); var obj = $("#"+id).ejGrid("instance"); var data = ej.DataManager(obj.model.dataSource).executeLocal(ej.Query().where("EmployeeID", "equal", parseInt(args.data.EmployeeID), true)); obj.dataSource(data); } <appSettings> <add key="PageInspector:ServerCodeMappingSupport" value="Disabled" /> <add key="vs:EnableBrowserLink" value="false" /> <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" />
Script file: (installed location)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\JavaScript\assets\scripts\web |
The issue is due to DLL Conflict. To avoid this issue, please make sure the following things before build your application.
1) Check if multiple versions of Syncfusion assemblies are referred in your project.
2) Delete bin and obj folders exists in the application directory.
3) Check your dll version in reference and webconfig file. And please share those details.
4) Check if you are referring proper dependent assemblies according to the .NET Framework.
We suggest you to follow the following knowledge base documentation,
Jayaprakash K.