Hello Syncfusion Team,
I want to use a different language for Grid so I added my custom ej.Grid.Locale localization and it works.
The datepicker watermarks are also localized thanks to DatePickerWaterMark property of ej.Grid.Locale.
But there isn't a property to localize the NumericTextbox watermark. So I tried writing:
ej.NumericTextbox.Locale["it-IT"] = {
watermarkText: "Inserisci un valore"
but it works only if I use the code below for every NumeriTextbox
col.Field(p => p.Numero).NumericEditOptions(new Syncfusion.JavaScript.Models.EditorProperties() { Locale = "it-IT" })
The same is for Datepicker. If I don't set the Locale property of DatePickerProperties using the DateEditOptions method, the months names are in the default language.
col.Field(p => p.Numero).DateEditOptions(new Syncfusion.JavaScript.Models.DatePickerProperties() { Locale = "it-IT" })
Is there a way to inherit localization from the grid control for edit controls like NumericTextboxes and Datepickers?