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Font Size attribute

Hi, im trying to change the size of my Bar Chart's Data Marker Text Size as per the documentation 
       <Font FontSize="18" FontAttributes="Italic"/>
But when I try to build my solution, it says that there is no attribute/event of type 'FontSize'. Am I doing something wrong?
Though I got the chart to render my data, the only problem was customizing the Data Marker Text Size.

1 Reply

ME Manivannan Elangovan Syncfusion Team March 11, 2016 11:35 AM UTC

Hi Oliver,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

We are unable to reproduce the mentioned issue and we have prepared a sample for customizing the DataMarker text size. It can be downloaded from the following location.

Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/123363/ze/123363835119581

Manivannan E.

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