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WPF Clock Capabilities

Hello Everyone. (This promises to be the first post of many.)

As far as the WPF Clock control,

1. Can I disable the analog dial clock in favor of a pure digital read out? Perhaps something like the WinForms control. If so, How do I do that?

2. Is there some support for the clock to be 24H format instead of 12H Format? Again, if so, how is this accomplished.

3. Lastly, I need this control to function in three ways. Each way will be a separate control.
     3a. Standard Local System Time.
     3b. Report GMT as opposed to local time.
     3c. As a timer initiated by the user where they input the time they want the timer to end.

I enjoy this Package of controls and everything I have seen so far as far as support. Keep up the good work SyncFusion!!

1 Reply

VR Venkateshwaran Ramdoss Syncfusion Team March 8, 2016 02:11 PM UTC

Hi Suchinder,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support.

Query#1:"Can I disable the analog dial clock in favour of a pure digital read out?"

Currently we did not have option to disable the analog dial clock in our WPF Clock control. But we can display the time in digital format using our "SfDigitalGuage" control. We have created a sample for the same. In this sample, we have used time ticker to change the value in SfDigitalGauge and updated the time value for every second.

Query#2:"Is there some support for the clock to be 24H format instead of 12H Format?"

We have updated the time format in 24 hours by using the time format "HH-mm" in the above sample.

Query#3:"3a) Standard Local System Time.
                3b) Report GMT as opposed to local time.
                3c) As a timer initiated by the user where they input the time they want the timer to end."

As there is no support for Time zone, please modify the value in sample level to achieve this.

Please download the sample from below attachment.

Venkateshwaran V.R.

Attachment: DigitalClockSample_a4a39a7f.zip

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