To help you visualize what I'm trying to do, imagine that you have a TileViewControl that contains 16 TileViewItems. The layout of the Control is such that the 16 Items are displayed in 4 rows and 4 columns.
For example's sake let's say that the content of four of the TileViewItems contain names of a kind of dog, four items are kinds of cat, four are kinds of fish and four are kinds of bird. The order of the Items are scrambled so that the position of the tiles containing the different kinds of animal within the control is entirely random.
The user's task will be to drag and drop those 16 tiles so that the completed display will contain one row of 4 tiles that are all dogs, another that are all cats, another that are all birds and one that are all fish. (This isn't the actual implementation, but is logically the same and it's an easy to visualize explanation, I hope)
So what I need to check each time the DragCompleted event fires is:
Does the type of content of this item (eg, Dog, Cat, etc) match all the other three of the items in the row into which the item has just been dropped?
That's why I was asking about relative positions, so that I can compare the "types" - Dog, Cat, etc
You'll see from the explanation above that it isn't strictly necessary for me to know which row the tile is dropped into if there is some other way of checking whether the first four, second four, etc tiles match. That's to say if the first four tiles inside the TileViewControl are of type Dog then that's what I need to know - assuming of course that those first four tiles are guaranteed to be the first four tiles visible from the top left of the TileViewControl moving horizontally.
If the TileViewControl can't reveal this information then I can use a different control. I just thought it's drag and drop functionality was so good that it was worth trying.
Any suggestions you have would be helpful.