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chart type

I'm looking on your samples' library to find a chart type to make a chart like the one I've attached, but I found no solution.
The only one that is near to my expectation is the "Hilo" but it is missing of the bottom and top segments for the High and Low values. 
Do you have any solution? I suppose that for the median point I have to combine another type of chart on it.

Waiting for your reply....

Kind regards

Attachment: chartsample_a874b988.zip

1 Reply

SK Saravana Kumar Kanagavel Syncfusion Team March 3, 2016 08:47 AM UTC

Hi Andrea,
Thanks for contacting syncfusion support.
We have analyzed your query. This can be achieved by following the below steps.

·       We have specified four series in chart.
·       And on first series, we are setting the series type as scatter and marker shape as “Horizontal Line” as well as in second series.
·       On third series, we are setting the series type as scatter and marker shape as “Diamond”.
·       On fourth series, we are setting the series type as “hilo”.

Thus the required output can be attained. We have also made a sample for your reference and attached in the below location.

Sample Link : https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/123273/ze/sample1661787800
The below shows the output of the attached sample.


And in addition if you wish to remove the legend item with the text “hilo”, it can be done by using the below code snippet.




function legend(sender) //Loaded event triggered


        $("#" + this._id + "_svg_Legend3").remove(); //To remove the legend item from the DOM

In the above code we have triggered loaded event in chart and removed the legend item by using its id. And also find the output after that legend item removed from DOM

Please let us know if you have any concern.

Saravana Kumar K

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