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Need help on install syncfusion


I have following error in VS2010 after install syncfusion what is the issue?


Syncfusion Licensing System - Detailed diagnostics.

ErrorKind = DesigntimeNoKey

UsageMode = Designtime

IsAspDotNet = False

RuntimeLicenseKey = No runtime license key found in licx.

ExecutingVersionInfo = Syncfusion.Core, Version=11.3040.0.30, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=632609b4d040f6b4

ExecutingVersionInfoFromAssembly = Syncfusion.Core.Licensing.FusionLicenseProvider, Syncfusion.Core, Version=11.3040.0.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=632609b4d040f6b4

ErrorMessage = 

Unable to grant license for design time.

No Assemblies with licenses.licx resource found.

No Syncfusion.Core entries found in licenses.licx files.

Registry Keys:

This key licenses Essential Studio version 13.4.0.*

Syncfusion products licensed with this key are listed below - 

Syncfusion Infrastructure Library Core
Syncfusion Infrastructure Library Shared
Syncfusion Essential Silverlight Binary

Diagnostic - Email Checksum = H7afa

This key licenses Essential Studio version 13.4.0.*

Syncfusion products licensed with this key are listed below - 

Syncfusion Infrastructure Library Core
Syncfusion Infrastructure Library Shared
Syncfusion Essential Silverlight Binary

Diagnostic - Email Checksum = H7afa

2 Replies

QR Qubao Ruan February 26, 2016 09:19 PM UTC

I found the issue. I have difference version in GAC and no license for the old version

MS Manivannan Sundararajan Syncfusion Team February 29, 2016 10:49 AM UTC

Hi Qubao,

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

The reported issue occurred due to v11.3.0.30 License key is not registered with the Syncfusion License Manager. In order to resolve the reported issue, please follow the steps suggested below.

1. Follow the steps suggested in the below KB article link and generate the Syncfusion License Key for the v11.3.0.30.


2. Once the License Key has been generated, please follow the steps suggested in the following documentation link and register the v11.3.0.30 Syncfusion License key in License Manager.


3. Now the reported issue will be resolved.

Additional information:

Also we would like to let you know that Syncfusion has removed the Syncfusion.Core dependency for all the Essential Studio products from the version So, it is not required to refer to the Syncfusion.Core assembly in your project when you are using Syncfusion v13.2.0.29 or the later versions. Please refer the following KB article link for more information.


Manivannan S.

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