Hi Sam,
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
The reported issue may occur when previous version of Big Data Platform is not properly uninstalled when installing new version.
Please follow the below steps to resolve the issue.
Step 1: Uninstall the installed Big Data Studio build from programs list. (Refer below note to get HDFS backup before proceeding with uninstallation)
Step 2: Ensure Big Data Agent and Remote Agent services are completely stopped and removed from service list.
Step 3: Ensure there is no unremoved files exist. If so, try to delete previous version folder under <installedDrive>:\Syncfusion\BigData\<Version>.
Step 4: Reinstall latest Big Data Studio.
If want to backup the HDFS data before uninstalling Big Data studio, do the below steps.
- Stop all the services from service manager.
- Copy the HDFS data (Metadata) from below location. “<Installed Driver>:\Syncfusion\BigData\<Installed Version>\BigDataSDK\Metadata”
- Do all the uninstallations steps stated as in above instructions. After new Big Data Platform build installation completed, move the copied Metadata folder to the same location.
“<Installed Driver>:\Syncfusion\BigData\<Installed Version>\BigDataSDK\Metadata”
Aravindraja T