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Custom DateTime X Axis

I am using the chart control to graph intra day stock data (that is with 1 minute, 5 minute, etc bar sizes). They usually trade between the hours of 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM (and not on weekends / holidays). When I display more than 1 day's worth of data it looks very strange - as, it has space for the hours where there is no data.  What can I do about the X Axis so that it does not leave space for these hours (or days) where I do not have any data?

Regards, Jeff

1 Reply

SK Saravana Kumar Kanagavel Syncfusion Team February 26, 2016 05:58 AM UTC

Hi Jeffrey Stone ,
Thanks for contacting syncfusion support.
We have analyzed your query. Currently we don’t have support to render nonlinear date time axis. But we have already logged feature for “Support for business hours axis in Chart” and working on it. For more details regarding this, kindly follow up the incident which we have created under your account.

Please let us know if you have concern.

Saravana Kumar K.

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