Hi Juraj,
We have
analyzed the reported problem and it can be resolved by using the “CalculationType”
property of PivotComputationInfo as “Formula”.
Please refer
to the following code example.
<syncfusion:PivotComputationInfo CalculationName = "Total" Description = "Summation of
values" FieldName = "Amount" Format = "C" SummaryType="DoubleTotalSum"/> <syncfusion:PivotComputationInfo CalculationName = "Total" Description = "Summation of
values" FieldName = "Quantity" Format = "#,##0"/>
<syncfusion:PivotComputationInfo CalculationName = "Total" Description = "Summation of
values" FieldName = "UnitPrice" CalculationType="Formula" Formula="[Amount] /
[Quantity]" Format = "C" SummaryType="DoubleTotalSum"
AllowRunTimeGroupByField="False"/> </syncfusion:PivotGridControl.PivotCalculations> |
Saranya C.