Hello Syncfuison
Since we had major updates regarding to the error caused by the latest version of Chrome,
we found two minor errors while testing our current project.
Firstly the problem with Splitter when run by IE
As you can see in the image enclosed with the name Splitter.jpg
the scroll bar is overlapped with the Splitter's scrollbar.
The example of the overlapped problem is written below
width: "100%", height: 500,
orientation: ej.Orientation.Horizontal,
properties: [
paneSize : 120,
minSize : 100,
maxSize : 500,
minSize : 40
enableAnimation: true,
animationSpeed: 300
Secondly, the DropDownList does not work properly when the property, "multiselect" is true.
The example of the problem is enclosed with the name DropDownlIst.jpg
width : "150px",
selectedIndices: [0,1],
showCheckbox: true,
allowMultiSelection: true,
change: function (args) {
Are these problems considered minor and easy to fix?
Thank you. .