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Minor problems found in Javascript version of Syncfusion

Hello Syncfuison

Since we had major updates regarding to the error caused by the latest version of Chrome,

we found two minor errors while testing our current project.

Firstly the problem with Splitter when run by IE

As you can see in the image enclosed with the name Splitter.jpg

the scroll bar is overlapped with the Splitter's scrollbar.

The example of the overlapped problem is written below


width: "100%", height: 500,

orientation: ej.Orientation.Horizontal,

properties: [


paneSize : 120,

minSize : 100,

maxSize : 500,



minSize : 40




enableAnimation: true,

animationSpeed: 300


Secondly, the DropDownList does not work properly when the property, "multiselect" is true.

The example of the problem is enclosed with the name DropDownlIst.jpg


width : "150px",

selectedIndices: [0,1],

showCheckbox: true,

allowMultiSelection: true,

change: function (args) {



Are these problems considered minor and easy to fix?

Thank you. .

2 Replies

QU Quintet February 12, 2016 08:40 AM UTC

These are the screenshots of the error

Attachment: Desktop_324363c3.zip

FP Francis Paul Antony Raj Syncfusion Team February 16, 2016 03:32 PM UTC

Hi Maverickjin,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

Query#1) Firstly the problem with Splitter when run by IE. As you can see in the image enclosed with the name Splitter.jpg. the scroll bar is overlapped with the Splitter's scrollbar.

We have checked with your reported query in IE browser. By default, In IE10 and IE11, the CSS property “-ms-overflow-style” set as “-ms-autohiding-scrollbar”. So, the scrollbar is not always present and it appears as an overlay when we mouseover the content area. This new feature is added in IE latest version. But you can turn-off this autohiding feature by overriding the CSS property “-ms-overflow-style”.  Please refer the following code snippet.


body {



Query :” the DropDownList does not work properly when the property, "multiselect" is true.”

We have tried to reproduce the reported issue and unfortunately we are unable to reproduce the issue with the latest version. Significant changes are made to the API namings and the “allowMultiSelection” property has been removed from the 13.3 version. So we would like you to share us your version details, so that we can help you out better. Please refer the below link for your reference.


Francis Paul A

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