1. Create a new project in visual C#.
2. The Syncfusion ASP.NET MVC controls require the following assembly reference in the project:
3. Click Add Reference Item and browse the above mentioned Syncfusion assemblies from GAC (or Precompiled Assemblies from the mentioned location “<Installed Location>\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\XX.X.X.XX\precompiledassemblies”).
Please refer to the following screenshot.
4. Add the following assembly’s reference in the web.config file
5. After adding the assemblies in the web.config file, you can configure changes in another web.config file located under the Views folder.
Root directory -> Views -> web.config
Add the following name spaces in the pages tag.
Query: Grid is not displaying data one of div is set visible false and other is display none.
Include the Script Manager and Style Mangager in the _Layout.cshtml file in the following location<ApplicationRootDirectory>\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml file.
The Script Manager is before the</body> tag as follows:
Add the Style Manager in the <head> tag as follows:
.Register(component =>
Please refer to the online link.
For your reference, we have attached a sample:
Sample: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/121951/ze/sample1482346018.zip
When use ASP.NET MVC Grid sample:
To use ASP.NET MVC Grid,please do the following,
1. Create a new project in visual C#.
2. The Syncfusion ASP.NET MVC controls require the following assembly reference in the project:
3. Click Add Reference Item and browse the above mentioned Syncfusion assemblies from GAC (or Precompiled Assemblies from the mentioned location “<Installed Location>\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\XX.X.X.XX\precompiledassemblies”).
Please refer to the following screenshot.
4. Add the script file in the script folder in the following order.
5. Add the following assembly’s reference in the web.config file
6. After adding the assemblies in the web.config file, you can configure changes in another web.config file located under the Views folder.
Root directory -> Views -> web.config
Add the following name spaces in the pages tag.
7. Disable the Unobtrusive by setting it to “false” mode in the web.config file under the Root directory.
8. Include the Script Manager in the View page or in _Layout.cshtml file in the following location<ApplicationRootDirectory>\Views\Shared\_Layout.cshtml file. The Script Manager is added after the control creation or before the</body> tag as follows:
Refer to the following Help document
UG Link: http://help.syncfusion.com/aspnetmvc/getting-started
Kavitha N.
Hi Farrukh,
In our last update, we have provided a solution for this issue. Refer to the screenshot,
Please refer to the following UG and video.
UG Link: http://help.syncfusion.com/aspnetmvc-classic/grid/how-to/how-to-avoid-grid-invisibility
Video: http://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/122056/ze/video-690930651.zip
If you still face the same issue, please replicate the issue in the last updated sample and send to analyze and provide you a better solution.
Kavitha N.