Hi all,
I have an app that when I change from Debug to Release the Chart series disappear, code I use is below:
<Syncfusion:SfChart x:Name="AveragesChart" AreaBorderThickness="0" Foreground="#FFF78A09" FontSize="13" Margin="5,20,5,10" Grid.Column="0">
<Syncfusion:CategoryAxis ShowGridLines="False" FontSize="10" Foreground="lightgray" LabelsIntersectAction="MultipleRows"/>
<Syncfusion:NumericalAxis RangePadding="Normal" FontSize="10" ShowGridLines="False" Foreground="lightgray"/>
<Syncfusion:ColumnSeries x:Name="AveragesSeries" Palette="Custom" FontSize="10" EnableAnimation="True" AnimationDuration="0:0:2" StrokeThickness="0" SegmentSelectionBrush="Gray" Label="Daily Metered Averages" XBindingPath="iText" YBindingPath="iTotal" Margin="0,5,0,0">
<SolidColorBrush Color="#FFF78A09"/>
<SolidColorBrush Color="#FFF78A09"/>
<SolidColorBrush Color="#FFF78A09"/>
<SolidColorBrush Color="#6c6d6e"/>
<Syncfusion:ChartAdornmentInfo ShowLabel="True"
SymbolTemplate="{StaticResource adornment}"/>
Dim AveragesData As New ObservableCollection(Of Usage)()
AveragesData.Add(New InternodeUsage() With {.iText = "So far", .iTotal = CurrentQuotaPerDayChart})
AveragesData.Add(New InternodeUsage() With {.iText = "Start of month", .iTotal = QuotaPerDayChart})
AveragesData.Add(New InternodeUsage() With {.iText = "Rest of month", .iTotal = QuotaLeftPerDayChart})
AveragesData.Add(New InternodeUsage() With {.iText = "Today", .iTotal = TodayTotalValueChart})
The weird part is not all controls break, I have two gauges that still work fine (I have noticed that the animation no longer works in release mode) and another chart\Range navigator that is also fine.
Any help would be awesome as I'm pretty stuck :)
Cheers, Leigh.