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How to refer to Syncfusion.EJ dll and use the POST method for Datamanager

Hello Syncfusion,
I wanted to clarify the answers which was in121900
Our company have bought the javascript package, and none of the front-developers happen to know the of the whereabouts of the Syncfusion.dll
and As I have questioned before
The script below does not work at all, and sends no request,
So I want to clarify whether if the reference to the Syncfusion.dll is the source of the problem or not.
Because when I use the datamananger by using the executeQuery, the Post request works fine.

dataSource : ej.DataManager({
url : "${pageContext.request.contextPath}/beacon/test/getStoreList.do",
updateUrl : "Home/Update",
insertUrl : "Home/Insert",
removeUrl : "Home/Delete",
adaptor : "UrlAdaptor"
allowPaging : true,
editSettings : {
allowEditing : true,
allowAdding : true,
allowDeleting : true
columns : [
{ field: "storeName", headerText: '', textAlign: ej.TextAlign.left },
{ field: "storeType", headerText: '', textAlign: ej.TextAlign.left },
{ field: "parGroupName", headerText: '', textAlign: ej.TextAlign.left },
{ field: "storeDesc", headerText: '', textAlign: ej.TextAlign.left },

4 Replies

QU Quintet February 11, 2016 12:55 AM UTC

and Also, currently the company I work in uses Java based server 
so, would this also be a possibility for not receiving the post method in this particular way? 

VA Venkatesh Ayothi Raman Syncfusion Team February 11, 2016 01:29 PM UTC

Hi Maverick,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
Could you please share the following details:

                   1)      Can you please share your execute query ?

                   2)      Are you using Servlet mapping action ?

                   3)      .do extension is file or mapping action

It would be helpful for us to provide a prompt solution.
Venkatesh Ayothiraman.

KK K Kalai Selvi Syncfusion Team February 12, 2016 04:51 AM UTC

Created on 2/11/2016, 7:51 PM by maverickjin8.

Hello Syncfusion.

I would like to answer the questions whichVenkatesh Ayothi Ramanhave replied

THREAD ID :121949

1) Can you please share your execute query ?

Here is the Query which is used while using the POST request

a.id as storeId
, a.name as storeName
, a.description as storeDesc
, cc.mark_name as storeType
, cc.code_name as storeTypeCode
, if(
(select getCommCodeCodeNameByCodeId(type, #lang#) from beacon.account acc where id = a.par_acc_id) = 'GROUP'
, (select name from beacon.account acc2 where id = a.par_acc_id)
, '') as parGroupName
, a.create_date as createDate
from beacon.account a
join beacon.comm_code cc on a.type = cc.id and cc.lang = #lang#

where $strSVCType$

limit #skipCount#, #pageSize#

2) Are you using Servlet mapping action ?

Yes, I am using Spring, and using the mapping action, here are the sample below

public class testController extends BeaconBaseController{


@RequestMapping(value="/sync/getStoreListSync.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody DataResult getStoreListSync(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody DataRequest drs){

return dr;

3) .do extension is file or mapping action

As written in the sample below, mapping action is used in the POST request

@RequestMapping(value="/sync/getStoreListSync.do", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody DataResult getStoreListSync(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody DataRequest drs){

VA Venkatesh Ayothi Raman Syncfusion Team February 15, 2016 10:29 AM UTC

Hi Maverick, 


We considered this requirement “Use the Post method for Datamanager” as Custom sample request and a support incident has been created under your account to track the status of this requirement. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates. 




Venkatesh Ayothiraman.

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