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Load JavaScript code on-demand


First of all, thanks for giving us (freelance developers) the opportunity to use and get experience about using your controls. In my case, as a latin american is a great opportunity.

I've been trying to adapt your controls to my current developed web apps. However, I found that ej.web.all.min.js file is about 2Mb, is pretty heavy and it becomes an issue to low bandwidths connections like in my country.

My question: Is there any possibility to choose which components to be loaded or just downloaded on-demand according to needs. Or just, any strategy already developed by you in this situation.


Alirio Castro

1 Reply

SN Sasikala Nagarajan Syncfusion Team February 11, 2016 06:55 AM UTC

Hi Alirio Castro,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support,

Query: Is there any possibility to choose which components to be loaded or just downloaded on-demand according to needs

You can use our CSG(Custom Script Generator) to create custom script file with required controls and its dependencies only in order to reduce the file size. Please refer the below link to know about Custom Script Generator,


Please check with the given link and let us know if you have further queries,


Sasikala Nagarajan

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