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Samples without the databases PortfolioManagerDB.mdf

i'm tryinng to learn our componenent but our samples doesnt give the database files
the sample project is : Product Showcase\Portfolio Grid Demo
...Local\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\\Windows\Grid.Grouping.Windows\Samples\Product Showcase\Portfolio Grid Demo
i try to connect from the online database but i cant ( maybe because of our entreprises proxy ou because our service are down i dont know)
may be there is a link somewhere to download the file "PortfolioManagerDB.mdf"
#region Connection String
//Connection string that attached DB to local SQL Express
//public readonly static string connString = "Network Address= Samples.syncfusion.com,49489;initial catalog= PortfolioManagerDB; User ID=DemoUser;password=pass@word1;persist security info=True;packet size=4096;Pooling=true";
#if SharedPortfolioManagerDB
//public readonly static string connString = "Data Source="+FindFile("PortfolioManagerDB.sdf");
public readonly static string connString = "Network Address= Samples.syncfusion.com,49489;initial catalog= PortfolioManagerDB; User ID=DemoUser;password=pass@word1;persist security info=True;packet size=4096;Pooling=true";
private const string sqlServerInstance = @".\SQLEXPRESS";
public readonly static string connString = "AttachDBFileName='" + FindFile("PortfolioManagerDB.mdf") + "';Server='" + sqlServerInstance + "';user instance=true;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connection Timeout=60";

1 Reply

PK Pavithra Kodiyarasan Syncfusion Team February 10, 2016 12:04 PM UTC

Hi Boucher,

You can get the database “PortfolioManagerDB” from this “\Syncfusion\EssentialStudio\\Common\Data\PortfolioManagerDB.sdf” location.

Pavithra K.

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