//define drop event
var lastNode = null;
function drop(args) {
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
if (lastNode === null) {
lastNode = args.element;
else {
diagram.add({ name: "connect1" + ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Util.randomId, sourceNode: args.element.name, targetNode: lastNode.name })
lastNode = args.element;
JSPlayground link:https://jsplayground.syncfusion.com/we5d131n
In the above sample, we have used drop event to establish the connection between the node. Also we have an additional feature in the diagram such as AllowDrop constraints for the node. By enabling this constraints, when we drag the node and mouse hover on the another node within the diagram, the highlighter shows on the node(mouse hover node). In the drop event, you can get the highlighter node as a args.target. Using this target element, you can establish the connection between the dropped node and the target node. Also when we drag the node from the symbol palette and drop it into the another node in the diagram, you can get the target in the dragOver event and establish the connection in the drop event. Please refer to the code example.
Code example:
//define dragOver event
dragOver: dragOver,
//define drop event
var target = null;
function dragOver(args) {
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
target = args.target;
function drop(args) {
var diagram = $("#diagram").ejDiagram("instance");
if (args.target && diagram.getObjectType(args.target) == "node" || diagram.getObjectType(target) == "node") {
diagram.add({ name: "connect1" + ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Util.randomId, sourceNode: args.element.name, targetNode: args.target.name?args.target.name:target.name })
target = null;
Shyam G
function drop(args) {
. . . . .
. . . . .
diagram.add({ name: "connect1" + ej.datavisualization.Diagram.Util.randomId(), sourceNode: args.element.name, targetNode: lastNode.name })
. . . . .
JSPlayground link:https://jsplayground.syncfusion.com/0tvmectd
Shyam G