I'm trying to use this label template in a colum chart :
<div id="template" style="display:none">
<div id="right" style="text-align:center; color: white; font-size: 0.8em">
<div>#point.y# km</div>
The x axis data is a date and instead of diplaying the date itself or the date label, I see "Nan/Nan" on the chart (I've attached a screen capture).
Here is a sample of my data:
[ { Date: "2015-12-01T17:02:16.458+01:00", Distance: 297, Elevation: 2728, Speed: 297}, ...]
And the chart definition:
canResize: true,
title: { text: 'Bike Summary' },
primaryXAxis: { valueType: 'datetime', labelFormat: "MM/yy", intervalType: 'months' },
primaryYAxis: { title: { text: "Distance" }, labelFormat: '{value} km', rangePadding: 'round' },
commonSeriesOptions: { type: 'column', tooltip: { visible: true }, points: [] },
series: [
{ name: 'Distance', xName: 'Date', yName: 'Distance',
marker: { dataLabel: { visible: true, textPosition: "bottom", template: "template" } } }
Any idea why the display in incorrect and if it's possible to format the date field in the template (displaying the name of the month) ?
Thanks !