Hi. Here's the thing: I can't figure out how to display a value in ComboBoxAdv via C#. I'm populating the property DataSource with a List from one of my entities (I'm using EF6):
//My list:
var cardTypes = _cardTypeController.GetAllCardTypes().OrderBy(x => x.Type).ToList();
//Setting the DataSource.
cardTypeComboBox.DataSource = cardTypes;
//None of these worked:
cardTypeComboBox.Text = cardTypes[0].Type;
cardTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
cardTypeComboBox.SelectedItem = cardTypes[0];
On running time I can select normally the items, but my default values does not show up, I'm getting the control text empty.
The funny thing is that on debugging I can see perfectly these properties and their expected values. What I doing wrong? Why I'm getting the control text empty?