Hi Ayyanar. Thanks for your quick answer.
I was referring to both the inability to enter (and read) the value (-/+)Infinity in the field as "Infinity" instead as a number, and the fact that if you only enter edit mode and commit changes, the value is no longer read as Infinity in the model.
Everything reduces to the fact that there is no way to enter the value Infinity in the fields that don't have Infinity as an initial value. You can enter the number 79228162514264300000000000000.00 which is the one shown for initial "Infinities", and it will persist it in the model as 7.92281625142643E+28. In fact, in my opinion this last behaviour is correct because Infinity should be just "Infinity" and not be mapped to any natural number, and it is ok to persist 79228162514264300000000000000.00 as a number. I think the solution may be to show the string "Infinity" for infinity values, and to allow the user to enter the word "Infinity" (or -Infinity) in the field.
Of course, I understand that this may be a sort of a hard and breaking change, because of the "masked" nature of this control and because as it currently only takes numbers and decimal separators as inputs, it should necessarily start accepting characters to allow "Infinity" with all what that implies (validating for invalid strings, etc).