<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var dManager = ej.DataManager(window.Default).executeLocal(ej.Query().take(10));
width: "100%",
height: "525px",
currentDate: new Date(2014, 4, 5),
appointmentSettings: {
dataSource: dManager,
id: "Id",
subject: "Subject",
startTime: "StartTime",
endTime: "EndTime",
description: "Description",
allDay: "AllDay",
recurrence: "Recurrence",
recurrenceRule: "RecurrenceRule"
appointmentEdited: "OnAppointmentEdited" // This event will raise only when the appointment is edited through edit appointment window
function OnAppointmentEdited(args) {
//args.appointment- returns the appointments being edited
//args.type- returns the name of the event
var appointment = args.appointment;
alert("Subject: " + appointment.Subject + "\nStartTime: " + appointment.StartTime + "\nEndTime: " + appointment.EndTime);
Apart from the above dependent scripts, you need to refer the ej.web.all.min.js file, which contains all the JavaScript components script in a minified format. Copy the ej.web.all.min.js file into the Scripts\ej folder.
Minified web file location:
(installed location)\ Syncfusion\Essential Studio\xxxxxx\JavaScript\assets\scripts\web
Note: xxxx denotes the build version installed in your local machine.
We request you to visit the below link in order to know more about the dependent script and css files location.
We are unclear about your requirement “In your example I lose the main menu in the top of the page. How is that rendered?”. We request you to provide more information regarding this requirement in order to proceed further.