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Transform Chart --> Datagrid


I have a chart : 

class DataModel
//Creation des collections
public Dictionary<int, ObservableCollection<ChartDataPoint>> ToutePorte;
public ObservableCollection<ChartDataPoint> Porte1;
public ObservableCollection<ChartDataPoint> Porte2;
public ObservableCollection<ChartDataPoint> Porte3;

public DataModel()

//Remplissage des collections
Porte1 = new ObservableCollection<ChartDataPoint>();

Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Jan", 6));
Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Feb", 6));
Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Mar", 8));
Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Apr", 3));
Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("May", 7));
Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Jun", 6));
Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Jul", 7));
Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Aug", 7));
Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Sep", 6));
Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Oct", 6));
Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Nov", 6));
Porte1.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Dec", 6));

Porte2 = new ObservableCollection<ChartDataPoint>();

Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Jan", 4));
Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Feb", 2));
Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Mar", 6));
Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Apr", 8));
Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("May", 4));
Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Jun", 3));
Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Jul", 2));
Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Aug", 4));
Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Sep", 5));
Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Oct", 4));
Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Nov", 7));
Porte2.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Dec", 3));

Porte3 = new ObservableCollection<ChartDataPoint>();

Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Jan", 3));
Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Feb", 2));
Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Mar", 3));
Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Apr", 8));
Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("May", 4));
Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Jun", 3));
Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Jul", 4));
Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Aug", 4));
Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Sep", 3));
Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Oct", 3));
Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Nov", 2));
Porte3.Add(new ChartDataPoint("Dec", 2));

ToutePorte = new Dictionary<int, ObservableCollection<ChartDataPoint>>();

ToutePorte.Add(1, Porte1);
ToutePorte.Add(2, Porte2);
ToutePorte.Add(3, Porte3);


public void myChart()
Grid grid = new Grid
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
RowDefinitions =
new RowDefinition { Height = (new GridLength (1, GridUnitType.Star ))},
new RowDefinition { Height = (GridLength.Auto)},
chart.Title = new ChartTitle() { Text = "Statistique" };

//Initializing Primary Axis
CategoryAxis primaryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
primaryAxis.Title = new ChartAxisTitle() { Text = "Mois" };
primaryAxis.LabelPlacement = LabelPlacement.OnTicks;

chart.PrimaryAxis = primaryAxis;

//Initializing Secondary Axis
NumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();
secondaryAxis.Title = new ChartAxisTitle() { Text = "Nombres de personnes" };
secondaryAxis.Interval = 1;
secondaryAxis.ShowMajorGridLines = true;
secondaryAxis.ShowMinorGridLines = true;

chart.SecondaryAxis = secondaryAxis;

DataModel dataModel = new DataModel();

//Ajoutes les valeurs au graphique
chart.Series.Add(new StackingAreaSeries()
//ItemsSource = dataModel.Porte1,
ItemsSource = dataModel.ToutePorte[1],
Label = "Porte 1",

chart.Series.Add(new StackingAreaSeries()
ItemsSource = dataModel.ToutePorte[2],
Label = "Porte 2",

chart.Series.Add(new StackingAreaSeries()
ItemsSource = dataModel.ToutePorte[3],
Label = "Porte 3",

//Adding Chart Legend for the Chart
chart.Legend = new ChartLegend() { IsVisible = true };
chart.Opacity = 1;
chart.IsVisible = true;

//Creation bouton
Button monBoutton = new Button();
monBoutton.Text = "Afficher la grille";
monBoutton.FontSize = 24;
monBoutton.Clicked += MonBoutton_Clicked;

//Ajout des contrôles dans la grid
grid.Children.Add(chart, 0, 0);
grid.Children.Add(monBoutton, 0, 1);

this.Content = grid;

It's working well, but now how construct DagaGrid like this : 

|primaryAxis.Name\SecondaryAxis.Name|       Chart.Series1     |         Chart.Series2    |      Chart.Series3     |
|          Jan                                                 |Chart.Series1.YValue|Chart.Series2.Yvalues|Chart.Series3.YValue|
|          Feb                                                |Chart.Serie1.Yvalues|Chart.Series2.YValue |ChartSeries3.YValues|

Do you understand ? 

Thank's :) 

1 Reply

SR Sivakumar R Syncfusion Team December 7, 2015 09:42 AM UTC

Hi Jordan,

Refer the below documentation link on creating SfDataGrid in xamarin.forms.


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