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How to display horizontal or/and vertical grid lines

How do I show vertical or|and horizontal grid lines in TreeViewAdv control whenMultiColumnEnable="True"?
Does TreeViewAdv have property for alternate row background?

3 Replies

VR Venkateshwaran Ramdoss Syncfusion Team November 30, 2015 01:42 PM UTC

Hi  Alexey,
In our current implementation there is no direct properties for Vertical or Horizontal grid lines and alternate row background. Can you please explain the scenario for your requirement. It would help us to investigate further.
Venkateshwaran V.R.

AL Alex December 9, 2015 08:18 PM UTC

I need grid lines or aleternate row background only for user friendly GUI. Sometimes it's hard to detect on wich row the value is placed. Especially when Tree has several wide columns with short values (you can see example image in attachment).

Attachment: tree_with_columns_d38e0ae3.zip

VR Venkateshwaran Ramdoss Syncfusion Team December 10, 2015 01:00 PM UTC

Hi Alexey,

Thanks for your update.

Query#1: Does TreeViewAdv have property for alternate row background?

We have created workaround sample to show demo on how to change the background of alternate row when MultiColumnEnable is true in TreeViewAdv and currently we don’t have direct property to set alternate row background.

Please download the sample from below link.


Query#2: How do I show vertical or|and horizontal grid lines in TreeViewAdv control when MultiColumnEnable="True"?

In our current implementation we don’t have support for  horizontal or vertical lines in TreeViewAdv.

Please let us know whether you need any other assistance on this.


Venkateshwaran V.R.


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