SyncfusionReferenceManager Navigation group missing

Using VS 2015, Syncfusion, I can't see the 'Navigation' group (containg RibbonControlAdv and RibbonForm controls) on the SyncfusionReferenceManager panel.
But, it can be found if I search for 'ribbon' !
With VS2010, I found the same problem.
Have you a solution ?

3 Replies

KP Kanimozhi Pandian Syncfusion Team November 23, 2015 12:45 PM UTC

Hi Loïc ,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

This issue has occurred, since the horizontal scrollbar was disabled in our Syncfusion Reference Manager. We have fixed this issue and please install the modified VSIX by following the below steps.

1.     From Visual Studio, navigate to Tools->Extension and Updates.
2.     Select Syncfusion Reference Manager and perform uninstallation.


3.     Close the Visual Studio.
4.     Download the new VSIX from here and Run the downloaded SyncfusionAssemblyReference.vsix by double clicking and install it. Once installed, open Visual Studio.
5.     Continue your project.

If you are not able to uninstall the VSIX please try out this steps in Visual Studio admin mode.

Please let me know if you have any concerns.

Kanimozhi K.P.

LG Loïc GAUDOUEN November 23, 2015 02:17 PM UTC

Thanks a lot.
All listed steps work (and the result also !).

MK Mathivanan KP Syncfusion Team November 24, 2015 09:50 AM UTC

Hi Loïc,

Thanks for the update. Please get back to us if you need any further assistance.



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