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Label on bars (Bar series)

Good afternoon !

I'm at the moment using Syncfusion in order to create a bar series chart.
My issue is the following one :

The labels of the categories are displayed on the left of the chart, what is normal, but I would love to display them on the bars themselves, like that :
Label on bars
Is there any way to do so ?

Thank you very much for your work and attention,

2 Replies

JD Julien DELORME November 17, 2015 05:16 PM UTC

It's ok, i did it using the following attribute. Thank you very much !

<syncfusion:CategoryAxis  LabelsPosition="Inside" />

SA Santhiya Arulsamy Syncfusion Team November 18, 2015 02:38 PM UTC

Hi Julien,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

We are glad to know that your problem is resolved.

Let us know, if you have any query.


Santhiya A

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