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Title missing when applying Office 2007 Black theme

I opened your example "Ribbon Style Demo" for ribbonControlAdv1. I think there is a bug within control. When you choose Office 2007 style with Black color scheme form Title disappears.
I attached tow images. First with Office 2007 Silver color Scheme and second with Office 2007 Black color Scheme where you can see what I mean.


Thank You.


Attachment: Office2007_Black__form_Title_missing_2a01163a.zip

4 Replies

SY SysNop November 16, 2015 09:58 AM UTC

In that same example that You provided (Ribbon Styles Demo) I also realized that when you maximize form (with ribonControlAdvanced) which has Office2007 or Office2010 style applied form Title row gets messed up.

Is that normal behaviour?
How to solve that?



SY SysNop November 16, 2015 01:46 PM UTC

I attached video so you can see what happens when you resize form to full screen and back. You can see how title bar row changes color/theme which it shouldn't.

I am using free version of Syncfusion controls with VS 2015. 

Thank You.


Attachment: RibbonStyleDemo_23d5bd12.zip

SY SysNop November 17, 2015 12:05 PM UTC

I solved it. 
Form property EnableAeroTheme should be set to false to avoid what i wrote in my previous posts.

Thank You.


ST Saravanan T Syncfusion Team November 17, 2015 12:21 PM UTC

Hi SysNop,

Thank you for your update.

We are glad to hear that, the reported requirement has been achieved.

Saravanan T

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