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Is not showing the PDF in popup

I'm using pdfviewer with Devexpress, when I call a partial view with the pdfviewer it works perfectly, but when I do the same from a popup window, it execute the partial view correctly, but it doesn't show the pdf, same file name, same everything

this is the code in Devexpress gridview
            c =>

                Html.RenderAction("ThroughView", "VisorPDF", new { RutaDocumento = DataBinder.Eval(c.DataItem, "RutaDocumento"), IDFolio = DataBinder.Eval(c.DataItem, "IDFolio") });
                            btnSettings =>
                                btnSettings.Name = "btnSalir";
                                btnSettings.Text = "Salir";
                                btnSettings.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.MarginLeft] = "5px";
                                btnSettings.ClientSideEvents.Click = "function(s, e){ gridViewRowSigned.CancelEdit(); }";

this is the code in controller:

        public ActionResult ThroughView(string RutaDocumento, string IDFolio)

            string Ruta = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PathDoctosViewer"].ToString() + IDFolio + "\\"; 
            int nombrePosicion = RutaDocumento.LastIndexOf('\\');
            string nombreDocumento = RutaDocumento.Remove(0, nombrePosicion + 1);
            //string url = "..\\Content\\Doctos\\" + IDFolio + "\\" + IDFolio + "-" + nombreDocumento;
            string path;
            path = Ruta + IDFolio + "-" + nombreDocumento;
            //path = path + "/Content/Doctos/167/167-301-B.pdf";
            ViewData["filestr"] = path;

            if (this.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return PartialView("_VisorPDF", ViewData);             
            return View(); 

and this is the partial view with the pdfviewer;

@{ try{Html.Syncfusion().PdfViewer("PdfView")
   catch { };}

I'm attaching 2  images with the result: with popup and without.

Attachment: WithPopUp_e0a6f54d.zip

1 Reply

US Uthistran S Syncfusion Team November 17, 2015 10:53 AM UTC

Hi Hector,
We were able to reproduce the problem and have logged defect report regarding this. A support incident to track the status of this defect has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Uthistran S.

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