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I am looking to create arrows in a word document using DocIO. My MS Office automation code looks like following:

   Dim oArrow As Word.Shape
        oArrow = objWDoc.Shapes.AddLine(beginX, beginY, endX, endY, anchorCell.Range)
        Select Case arrowhead
            Case 1
                oArrow.Line.BeginArrowheadStyle = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoArrowheadStyle.msoArrowheadTriangle
            Case 2
                oArrow.Line.EndArrowheadStyle = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoArrowheadStyle.msoArrowheadTriangle
        End Select

        oArrow.Visible = Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoTrue

objWDoc is an object of type Word.Document and anchorCell is an object of type Word.Cell

Kindly provide equivalent code for DocIO.

Best Regards

4 Replies

SV Sarathkumar V Syncfusion Team November 18, 2015 01:05 PM UTC

Hi Abhishek,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

Please find the below code snippet to create the line shape using DocIO:

Code snippet:

Dim document As New WordDocument()
Dim shape As New Shape(document, AutoShapeType.Line)
shape.LineFormat.Line = True
shape.LineFormat.Style = LineStyle.[Single]
shape.Width = 150
shape.WrapFormat.TextWrappingStyle = TextWrappingStyle.Square
'Set X position of line
shape.HorizontalPosition = 30
shape.HorizontalOrigin = HorizontalOrigin.Margin
'Set Y position of line
shape.VerticalPosition = 40
shape.VerticalOrigin = VerticalOrigin.Margin
shape.Visible = True

Regarding Line Arrow head preservation:

Currently DocIO does not have any public API to set the value for line’s begin and end arrow style. We will provide the public API to get or set the value for line’s begin and end arrow style in our upcoming 2015 volume 4 release which is expected to be in the month of December.



AS Abhishek Singhal November 18, 2015 01:09 PM UTC

Thanks Sarath

What about anchoring to the table cell ?


SV Sarathkumar V Syncfusion Team November 19, 2015 05:14 AM UTC

Hi Abhishek,

Thank you for your update.

When you inserted the shape into the paragraph then by default its anchor is positioned at the beginning of the corresponding paragraph. If your requirement is to insert the shape inside table cell then first add the paragraph inside the cell and insert the shape into that paragraph. For your reference please find the following code snippet to insert the shape inside a table cell:

Code snippet:

'Create the Word document instance

Dim document As New WordDocument()


'Add the table in the document

Dim table As IWTable = document.LastSection.AddTable()

'Reset the table with two rows and two columns

table.ResetCells(2, 2)

'Add the paragraph to the second row second column

Dim paragraph As WParagraph = TryCast(table(1, 1).AddParagraph(), WParagraph)

'Create a new shape instance

Dim shape As New Shape(document, AutoShapeType.Line)

'specify the width of the line shape

shape.Width = 150

'Specify the line style

shape.LineFormat.Style = LineStyle.[Single]

'Specify the line shape's text wrapping style

shape.WrapFormat.TextWrappingStyle = TextWrappingStyle.Square

'Specify the horizontal origin to position the shape. In this case we have specified the margin,

'if the owner paragraph of the line is added directly to section then document page margin is act as origin

'or else if it is added inside Table Cell then cell's margin is act as origin.

shape.HorizontalOrigin = HorizontalOrigin.Margin

'Specify the horizontal position of the shape

shape.HorizontalPosition = 10

'Specify the vertical origin to position the shape. In this case we have specified the margin,

'if the owner paragraph of the line is added directly to section then document page margin is act as origin

'or else if it is added inside Table Cell then cell's margin is act as origin.

shape.VerticalOrigin = VerticalOrigin.Margin

'Specify the vertical position of the shape

shape.VerticalPosition = 10

'Specify the visible option of the shape as true

shape.Visible = True

'Add the shape into paragraph


'Save and close the WordDocument instance



Please let us know if you have any queries.


SV Sarathkumar V Syncfusion Team January 14, 2016 05:15 AM UTC

Hi Abhishek,

We are glad to announce that our Essential Studio Volume 4, 2015 is rolled out and is available for download under the following link.


Please find the code snippet below:

        'Create the Word document instance

        Dim document As New WordDocument()


        'Add the table in the document

        Dim table As IWTable = document.LastSection.AddTable()

        'Reset the table with two rows and two columns

        table.ResetCells(2, 2)

        'Add the paragraph to the second row second column

        Dim paragraph As WParagraph = TryCast(table(1, 1).AddParagraph(), WParagraph)

        'Create a new shape instance

        Dim shape As New Shape(document, AutoShapeType.Line)

        'specify the width of the line shape

        shape.Width = 150

        'Specify the line style

        shape.LineFormat.Style = LineStyle.[Single]

        'Specify the begin arrow head style

        shape.LineFormat.BeginArrowheadStyle = ArrowheadStyle.ArrowheadTriangle

        'Specify the end arrow head style

        shape.LineFormat.EndArrowheadStyle = ArrowheadStyle.ArrowheadTriangle

        'Specify the line shape's text wrapping style

        shape.WrapFormat.TextWrappingStyle = TextWrappingStyle.Square

        'Specify the horizontal origin to position the shape. In this case we have specified the margin,

        'if the owner paragraph of the line is added directly to section then document page margin is act as origin

        'or else if it is added inside Table Cell then cell's margin is act as origin.

        shape.HorizontalOrigin = HorizontalOrigin.Margin

        'Specify the horizontal position of the shape

        shape.HorizontalPosition = 10

        'Specify the vertical origin to position the shape. In this case we have specified the margin,

        'if the owner paragraph of the line is added directly to section then document page margin is act as origin

        'or else if it is added inside Table Cell then cell's margin is act as origin.

        shape.VerticalOrigin = VerticalOrigin.Margin

        'Specify the vertical position of the shape

        shape.VerticalPosition = 10

        'Specify the visible option of the shape as true

        shape.Visible = True

        'Add the shape into paragraph


        'Save and close the WordDocument instance



We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this release. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance.


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