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Update to strange behaviour

We are trying to update to the latest version ..., which we are doing by using the manage nugget packages within visual studio. But after updating several of the controls are not working. For instance the DatePicker doesn't render correctly. but once we remove e-value="" from the code the datepicker shows. Is there something we need to do to get this version to work correctly ?

See attached file for image showing the datepicker issue, and our code below

*** This one works ***
<input ej-datepicker e-mindate="minDate" e-maxdate="maxDate" e-locale="locale" ng-keypress="onkeypress($event)" maxlength="10" e-strictmode="true" e-change="onChangeStartDate" ng-blur="onFocusOutStartDate($event)" ng-focus="onFocusStartDate($event)" e-open="setIsDirty" ma-prevent-drop />

*** This one doesn't work ***                   
<input id="StartDateTime" ej-datepicker e-value="reportingPeriodSettings.startDate" e-mindate="minDate" e-maxdate="maxDate" e-locale="locale" ng-keypress="onkeypress($event)" maxlength="10" e-strictmode="true" e-change="onChangeStartDate" ng-blur="onFocusOutStartDate($event)" ng-focus="onFocusStartDate($event)" e-open="setIsDirty" ma-prevent-drop />

Cheers ... Rob.

Attachment: Syncfusion_Update_b8fcaaf6.zip

6 Replies

SJ Saravanan Janakiraman Syncfusion Team November 5, 2015 09:34 AM UTC

Hi Rob, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.

We were unable to reproduce the issue at our end. We have created the samples for the control version using NuGet packages and our controls are working. While specifying the e-value attributes, the value is properly applied to the DatePicker component. We have prepared a sample to showcase the solution. You can download it from the following location, 

Sample Location: Datepicker Sample 

If you still face any difficulty, please send the provided sample back changed according to your requirement along with the replication procedure to reproduce the issue at our end. This would be helpful to analyze this problem and provide a solution at the earliest.


Saravanan A J

RO Rob ONeill November 5, 2015 04:36 PM UTC

I have been able to replicate this in your sample. It happens when trying to create a control dynamically through an angular function say a ng-click.

See updated sample attached (packages folder removed to keep under 30mb). I have also added a numerictextbox to show this happens for other controls as well. When controls are rendered they are still unusable.

I have also shown that when e-value is taken out they work as normal

Cheers ... Rob.

Attachment: Datepicker_Sample_5c0acc74.zip

SJ Saravanan Janakiraman Syncfusion Team November 19, 2015 11:20 AM UTC

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your update.

We have included the fixes for the above reported issues in our latest version. We have fixed the issue internally only. We will include this fix in our upcoming Vol-3 2015 SP-2 release which is expected to be roll out at the end of November 2015.


Saravanan A J

RO Rob ONeill December 1, 2015 12:09 PM UTC

We are trying to update to, but we are still having issues with the DatePicker and other controls such as the Numeric Textbox

You supplied us a patch to fix this through this email response

Updated on 11/6/2015 6:41:32 AM by: Saravanan Janakiraman
Hi Rob,
Thanks for your Update.
We are able to reproduce this issue at our end. We have fixed this issue internally. For your convenience, we have merged the fix for this issue with version “” and attached the patch file in below location.
Location: File Link
Please use the below script file in your application and the reported issue will be resolved. The changes will be included in our upcoming Vol-3 2015 SP-2 release which is expected to be roll out at the end of November 2015. Also we have reattached the provided sample with modified script file and you can download it from the following location.
Sample Location: Datepicker Sample Location
If you need further assistance, kindly get back to us and we will be happy to help you.
Saravanan A J doesn't seem to apply this fix. This is quite easy to replicate.

<span class="sampleName">DatePicker / AngularSupport</span>
<div ng-app="syncApp">
    <div ng-controller="DatePickerCtrl">
        <button ng-click="setDatePickers()">Set 5 Date Pickers and Numeric Textboxes with e-value set</button>
            <li ng-repeat="item in collection">
                    <span>Select Show Date </span>
                        <input ej-datepicker e-value="dateValue" e-locale="locale" e-strictmode="true" />
                        <input ej-numerictextbox e-value="numberValue" e-minvalue="1" e-maxvalue="99" />
        <button ng-click="setDatePickers2()">Set 5 Date Pickers and Numeric Textboxes with e-value not set</button>
            <li ng-repeat="item in collection2">
                    <span>Select Show Date </span>
                        <input ej-datepicker e-locale="locale" e-strictmode="true" />
                        <input ej-numerictextbox e-minvalue="1" e-maxvalue="99" />
        <script type="text/javascript">
            angular.module('syncApp', ['ejangular'])
                .controller('DatePickerCtrl', function ($scope) {
                    $scope.collection = [];
                    $scope.collection2 = [];
                    $scope.dateValue = "2/3/2013";
                    $scope.numberValue = 10;
                    $scope.locale = "en-GB";
                    $scope.setDatePickers = function () {
                        $scope.collection = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
                    $scope.setDatePickers2 = function () {
                        $scope.collection2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    #control .e-datewidget, #binding .e-datewidget {
        width: 70%;

Cheers ... Rob.

RO Rob ONeill December 2, 2015 03:05 PM UTC

We urgently need the patch that was applied to applied to 13.3.018, and there are still bugs in the DatePicker that have been resolved by, and several other fixes we are waiting for.

Please can we get the patch asap.

Cheers ... Rob.

SN Sasikala Nagarajan Syncfusion Team January 4, 2016 11:52 AM UTC

 Hi Rob,
We have already created a support incident to track the status of this defect and to get the patch under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates.
Sasikala Nagarajan

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