Hi Josef,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.
Query: 1 What is the purpose of this object? Why are the property values being hard coded? Whould these normally come from a data source?
In the online documentation link, we have rendered Treeview control by using two ways:
Through View
Through Model
When we render Treeview through view then you can directly bind Treeview fields and we don’t create this Treeview field object.When you are render Treeview control via TreeViewModel, you need to map the data member to the fileds properties to make the databinding.It doesn’t values hardcoded to the property.We have mapped the datamember fileds name to our Treeview fields property.Please find the below link to know the about the datamembers passed in Treeview fields:
Query 2: How can you determine when the user clicks on an item in the tree view wether it is a Node ( has children) or a leaf (nothing sits underneath it) ?
We have a client side event “ClientSideOnNodeClick”, it triggers when the user click on an item in Treeview.You can determine the clicked node is Node or a leaf node from the click event argument as shown below code:
@(Html.Syncfusion().TreeView("myTreeView", "treeView", new { @class = "treeviewborder" })
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnNodeClick(sender, args) {
var arr = args._target[0].childNodes;
var msg=0
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].nodeName == "UL")
msg = 1;
if (msg == 1)
alert("Node have childern");
alert("Its leaf node");
Query 5: Can icons be allocated differently for "Nodes" and "leafs"
We have showcased icons to differentiate the Nodes and leafs in the below online sample link:
Query 6: Can the "Leaf" be expanded to hold additional information e.g. the url of a web address to call or an ID associated with it.
We don’t pass the additional information to the leaf node.
We have an ejTreeview Control.We have provided more functionality in the ejTreeview control.Please refer the below online sample link for ejTreeview control:
To know more about properties, methods, events of our Treeview Component, please refer to the following API link,
Please go through the above links to know about the ejTreeview control.If you are going to use ejTreeView control, we will prepare the sample based on your requirement by using our ejTreeview control.
Please let us know if you have further query.