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Chart Label position

HI ,

I am new to syncfusion   controls . Any option available for place the data label in inside the 

StackingColumn chart bar. I am using below code not working for me

<CommonSeriesOptions EnableAnimation="True" Tooltip-Visible="true"

Tooltip-Format="#series.name# &lt;br/> #point.x# : #point.y#" Type="StackingColumn" LabelPosition="Inside" >


<DataLabel Visible="true" >

<Font FontFamily="arial" FontSize="12px" ></Font>




thank you,



5 Replies

SK Sanjith Kesavan Syncfusion Team October 15, 2015 10:52 AM UTC

Hi Vijaykumar,

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. We have analyzed your query. For placing the label inside the stacking column you can set “TextPosition” property of the datalabel as “middle” or “bottom”. Default value for “TextPosition” is “top”. This will place the datalabel at the “top” of the series .  If “TextPosition” is set as “middle” then datalabel will be placed at the middle of the series and if “TextPosition” is set as “bottom”, then datalabel will be placed at the bottom of the series. Please find the below code example.

In the above code we have set the “TextPosition” of the datalabel as “middle”. Please find the screenshot of the chart.

In the above screenshot datalabels are placed inside the stacking column. We have prepared the sample as per you requirement. Please find the sample from below mentioned location.
Sample Link: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/forum/120793/ze/WebApplication22055509727

Please let us know if you have any concern.

Sanjith K.

VI Vijaykumar October 15, 2015 01:52 PM UTC

hi Sanjith,

Thanks for quick response. It's  is working fine.
for my case I use the property labelformat=N3 in YAxis then it will so like below. kindly help me.

SK Sanjith Kesavan Syncfusion Team October 16, 2015 12:28 PM UTC

Hi VijayKumar,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Image attached in the last update is not visible and so we cannot understand what is the problem you are facing. Please zip the image file and attach it. This will be helpful for us to fix your problem sooner.

Please let us know if you have any concern.

Sanjith K.

VI Vijaykumar October 16, 2015 02:04 PM UTC

Hi Sanjith,
Thanks for the respons now i got solution.
Thank You,

SK Sanjith Kesavan Syncfusion Team October 19, 2015 06:20 AM UTC

Hi Vijaykumar,

We are glad that your issue has been resolved. Please let us know if you need any further assistance on this.

Sanjith K.

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