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HelpButton Event Wanted

The RibbonWindow contains a HelpButton. It is set visible/unvisible with command ShowHelpButton. But if I want to use this button to start f. i. a pdf document I can't find the right event. The documentation of ASP.NET Classic contains the event OnHelpButtonClick.

1 Reply

SM Sugapriya Mariappan Syncfusion Team October 9, 2015 06:10 AM UTC

Hi Holger,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion Support

Currently we don't have Click event for Help button which get created while applying Office2013 theme. But we have created a work around sample for your requirement. In the sample we have fetched HelpButton using VisualUtils and hooked the click event for this Button.

Please download the sample from the below link
Sample link:RibbonSample

Please let us know if you need any other assistance


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