Hi Ranjeeth,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.
We have analyised your query. We are not able to reproduce the issue at our end.
We have created a sample using DateTime Axis.
DataSource is used for passing the data and interval type is set as hours with the interval value of 2.
Please refer the screenshot for the output
Code snippet:
<PrimaryXAxis ValueType="Datetime" LabelFormat="HH:MM tt" IntervalType="Hours" Title-Text="Sales Across Years" />
this.Chart1.PrimaryXAxis.Range.Min = new DateTime(2000, 6, 1);
this.Chart1.PrimaryXAxis.Range.Max = new DateTime(2000, 6, 2);
//Setting Range interval for PrimaryXAxis
this.Chart1.PrimaryXAxis.Range.Interval = 2;
The help document link for using the DateTime Axis is given below.
I have attached the sample for your reference
If you still face the issue, kindly revert back us by modifying the attached sample along with replication procedure.
This will be helpful for us to find and fix the issue sooner.
Please let us know if you have any concerns.