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DoubleClickEvent On DiagramNode


I want to add eventhandler When doubleclick On DiagramNode

But its always show font input interface

Please let me know what should i do to remove default eventhandler


3 Replies

SK Swarnesh Krishna Kumar Syncfusion Team October 5, 2015 04:20 AM UTC

Hi Rainkuan,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
If your intention is to remove the Font input interface in the diagram while double clicking the node we suggest you assign false for Diagram Controller’s InplaceEditing.
If your intention is to trigger any other operation while double clicking over the node we suggest you to use Diagram EventSink’s NodeDoubleClieck event in order to achieve your requirement.
We have attached a sample for your reference.
Code Example:
//To Disable Font interface while double clicking over the node
diagram2.Controller.InPlaceEditing = false;

//To Trigger a separate function while double clicking the node
diagram2.EventSink.NodeDoubleClick += EventSink_NodeDoubleClick;

void EventSink_NodeDoubleClick(NodeMouseEventArgs evtArgs)


            MessageBox.Show("Double click fired");

Swarnesh K

RA rainkuan9 October 6, 2015 02:49 AM UTC

Thank you very much
That helped a lot

SK Swarnesh Krishna Kumar Syncfusion Team October 6, 2015 04:01 AM UTC

Hi Rainkuan,                                                                                                  

Thanks for the update.


Swarnesh K

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