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Inserting bookmark across paragraph

Good evening
We're using DocIo v.13.1 in order to manage Word Document.
We have a .doc "model", that contains specific text that we use as a TAG, to identify particular text.
We'd need to leave or remove a portion of text between two tags: to do it, we'd like to use bookmarks... but we're finding some problems.
The "model" contains the following text
{SE} testo sulla prima riga
testo sulla seconda riga
testo sulla terza riga {FINE_SE}{SE}
seconda condizione
terza condizione {FINE_SE}
We'd like to remove the bold text, that is splitted on 3 paragraph, and obtain the following result:
seconda condizione
terza condizione {FINE_SE}
Now we're using the following code, but it doesn't run fine, because it removes the second "{SE}" tag at the end of the 3^ line:
dim selBegin As TextSelection       ' selection of the first {SE}
Dim paraStart As WParagraph = selBegin.GetAsOneRange().OwnerParagraph   ' paragraph of the first {SE}
Dim selEnd As TextSelection     ' selection of the first {FINE_SE}
Dim paraEnd As WParagraph = selEnd.GetAsOneRange().OwnerParagraph   ' paragraph of the first {FINE_SE}

Dim bookmarkName As String = "BKM_DEL"
Dim bStart As BookmarkStart = New BookmarkStart(_wordDocument, bookmarkName)
paraStart.Items.Insert(paraStartIndex, bStart)
We know that the last paraEnd.AppendBookmarkEnd () function is the cause :-)
But we didn't find other way to do it.
Do you have any suggestion?
Thank you in advance
Best regards
Chiara Marzano
Sistemi S.p.A.
PS: I've attached the "model": we'd like to remove all the Yellow text, but keep the blue one :-)
Thank you!!
seconda condizione
terza condizione {FINE_SE}
We have









Attachment: chiara_model_e0c527b8.zip

1 Reply

NS Narendran Srinivasan Syncfusion Team September 24, 2015 02:24 PM UTC

Hi Chiara,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion product,

Instead of using your code snippet for removing the content from the text selection please use the below code snippet for removing the text section from the document.
Code Snippet:

    'Gets start selection text

    Dim startselection As TextSelection = wordDoc.Find("{SE}", True, True)

    'Gets end selection text

    Dim endselection As TextSelection = wordDoc.Find("{FINE_SE}", True, True)

    'Gets the textrange from the start selection

    Dim startparaitem As WTextRange = startselection.GetAsOneRange()

    'Gets the textrange from the end selection

    Dim endparaitem As WTextRange = endselection.GetAsOneRange()

    'Gets the owner paragraph from the start selection

    Dim startpara As WParagraph = startselection.GetAsOneRange().OwnerParagraph

    'Gets the owner paragraph from the end selection

    Dim endpara As WParagraph = endselection.GetAsOneRange().OwnerParagraph

    Dim name As String = "BKM_DEL"

    'Create bookmark start

    Dim bookstart As New Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.BookmarkStart(wordDoc, Name)

    'Create bookmark end

    Dim bookend As New Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.BookmarkEnd(wordDoc, Name)

    'Insert the startbookmark

    startpara.Items.Insert(startpara.Items.IndexOf(startparaitem), bookstart)  

    'Insert the endbookmark

    endpara.Items.Insert(endpara.Items.IndexOf(endparaitem) + 1, bookend)

    Dim nav As New BookmarksNavigator(wordDoc)

    'Navigate the bookmark


    'Remove the bookmark content



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