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Sorting a chart

How do I sort chart data so that it lists values in increasing or decreasing order?  I am using an external datasource.

2 Replies

DE David Elies September 18, 2015 06:16 PM UTC

FWIW, I would prefer to sort each series individually

DP Deepaa Pragaasam Syncfusion Team September 21, 2015 08:55 AM UTC

Hi David,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support.
We have analyised your query .At present there is no support to sort the list data.
We have created a workaround sample, where the points are sorted using ej.DataManger based on yvalues in preRender Event.
Please find the code below.
Code Snippet:
sender.model.series[0].points = ej.DataManager(sender.model.series[0].points, ej.Query().sortBy("y")).executeLocal();
The data from the external datasource is sorted in ascending order

We have attached the sample for your reference
Please let us know if you have any concerns

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