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Simple example of MENU system

Oh my GOD!
can you guys at syncfusion make things a little more confusing?

I have been trying to setup a very simple MENU example ... following your documentation provided at http://docs.syncfusion.com/aspnetmvc/menu/getting-started
first:  the documentation makes it look simple as just do 1 2 3 and boom you have a working menu system.
here is the instructions:

  1. You can create a MVC Project and add the necessary Dll’s and scripts using the MVC-Getting Started Documentation.
do you want to guess where the linkk "MVC-Getting Started" points to?  it points to the original link.

the demo stuff that you guys provide for download and running on local system "looks" very cool, but it is a useless as paper weight. so complicated to follow anything.

Here is what I'm trying to do:
1) start a simple ASP MVC 5 application using VS 2013
2) add references needed for the MENU system to work (no documentation provided).
3) add simple "local db" to see the menu

If you guys want people to buy your product, make is simple to use ...
making fancy looking demos that are useless to average programmer is not going to encourage me to buy your stuff.

1 Reply

HP Harikrishnan P Syncfusion Team September 7, 2015 10:32 AM UTC

Hi Jahan,

Sorry for the inconvenience. Currently we are cleaning up the getting started documentation of ASP.NET MVC components so it is temporarily removed from our online help link. It will be published soon once the documentation review phase is completed. For your convenience we have attached the documentation that is in review phase. Please refer the below documentation for getting started with ASP.NET MVC components.

Documentation link: EJMVC getting started documentation

Basic steps for adding EJMVC components in the MVC application:

Adding References and Assemblies

After creating an MVC application, add the necessary dlls to your application to render the EJMVC components. You can refer the page no 147 (in the documentation which is attached above) to know about adding the dlls from GAC location. In page number 149 we have explained how to refer the assemblies from installed location. 

After adding required dlls, you have to register the assemblies in web.config in appropriate location as shown below.

<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5.2">


<!--Syncfusion.Core dll is not needed. we have removed this dll in our latest version> 

        <add assembly="Syncfusion.EJ, Version=13.2450.0.29, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3d67ed1f87d44c89"/>

        <add assembly="Syncfusion.EJ.Mvc, Version=13.2500.0.29, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3d67ed1f87d44c89"/>



Checking unobtrusivejavascript state in web.config file:

Ensure whether the Unobtrusive setting is enabled or disabled. By default it will be in enabled state. If UnobtrusiveJavaScript is set to true means we need to add the script file ej.unobtrusive.min.js file in our application. If the value is set to false means we need to add EJ().ScriptManager().


    <add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true"/>

    <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="false"/>

For more details, please refer page 155 in the documentation.

Adding namespaces.

Please add the necessary namespaces in the web.config file as shown below. 


        <add namespace="Syncfusion.JavaScript"/>

        <add namespace="Syncfusion.MVC.EJ"/>


For more details about namespaces, please refer page 155 in the documentation.

Adding Scripts and CSS reference.

To render the Syncfusion MVC controls, it is necessary to refer the required CSS and Script files into your application. Please refer from Page number 156 in to know about the scripts and CSS reference.

Using the helper to render the components.

After completing the above steps successfully, now you can render our components by using the Helper, as shown below   



Run the application to see the component in action.

For you reference we have attached a Menu sample (created with version in the following location, please check it.

Sample Location: Menu sample

Please refer the following link to know about the important features available in each EJMVC component


You can see the demo of all EJMVC components from the following link,

Our EJMVC components are created as wrapper for the JavaScript components. So the API, and events will be the same in both JS and EJMVC components. You can refer the following API reference section present in our online JS help document to know about the list of API’s, methods and events supported by each components.



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