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DLL references

I'm using SfChart to draw graphs and I have a problem with dll references.
I just need that control, so I copied from syncfusion installation directory the required DLL, with his related folder, into my project folder. Then I referenced, from Visual Studio 2015, that dll into my csproj.
The problem is that when I run the application I keep having an XAML exception that says that he can't find some .Xml file, as Legend.xml.

Why I copied the file into my directory project instead of referencing it directly from the syncfusion installation folder? Because I upload this project to TFS and in my other computers I don't want to install syncfusion essential studio, I would like the project to have everything inside.

What can do?


1 Reply

SK Satheesh Kumar T Syncfusion Team August 27, 2015 12:13 PM UTC

Hi Francesco,
Thanks for the update.
Along with the DLL, please copy the Syncfusion.SfChart.UWP folder, Syncfusion.SfChart.UWP.pri and Syncfusion.SfChart.UWP.xml files to your project location.
Also, we have some known issues while using the DLLs from the locations other default location. We have fixed it and fix will be available in our upcoming service pack release, which is expected to release on 31st August, 2015.
Satheesh Kumar T

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