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sfDataGrid NOT load data ...

Hi All.

I have 2 sfDataGrid.
One in a tabItem.
One in another TabItem, the hidden.

Both are filled by the same method using ItemsSource = ObservableCollection.

The visible sfDataGrid load data well, the hidden NOT load until I show it, selecting the second tabItem.

To Me this is a BUG.
Strange nobody note this.

There is a workaround for this ?


3 Replies

JG Jai Ganesh S Syncfusion Team August 25, 2015 02:17 AM UTC


Hi Arn,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

We have analyzed your query with the simple sample. We cannot understand your requirement clearly. Normally when we load the SfDataGrid or any control in each TabItem of MS TabControl, the element on TabItem gets loaded only when switched to corresponding TabItem. This is the default behavior of tabitem.

If we misunderstood your requirement, then could you please share the more details about your query? This would be more helpful for us to serve a prompt solution.

Please let us know if you have any other queries.

Thank you,

Jai Ganesh S

AR Arn replied to Jai Ganesh S August 25, 2015 09:34 AM UTC


Hi Arn,

Thank you for using Syncfusion products.

We have analyzed your query with the simple sample. We cannot understand your requirement clearly. Normally when we load the SfDataGrid or any control in each TabItem of MS TabControl, the element on TabItem gets loaded only when switched to corresponding TabItem. This is the default behavior of tabitem.

If we misunderstood your requirement, then could you please share the more details about your query? This would be more helpful for us to serve a prompt solution.

Please let us know if you have any other queries.

Thank you,

Jai Ganesh S

Hi Ganesh.

I have understood that sfDataGrid don't show data if in a hidden TabItem.


1 tabControl.
3 TabItems.

3 SfdataGrid each of them filled with:
The first with data of today.
The second( hidden ) with the data of yesterday.
The third ( hidden ) with the data of 2 days ago.

We must see the grid filled with today data, BUT the the program MUST compute the data of yesterday.
Due to space reasons We cannot see the 3 sfdataGrid in one TabItem.

G1 ( The one in visible tabItem ) g1.View.records.Count() works.
G2 ( The Hidden in second TabItem ) g2..View.records.Count() <--- raise exception.


How to read and access the data in G2 and G3 without switching the tabItems?

We have used G2.View.SourceCollection but no way to read data.

Besides it:
in MS datagrid load in 0.87 sec.
in sfDataGrid 8.02 secs.

There surely an misplaced setting, but What?



FP Farjana Parveen Ayubb Syncfusion Team August 27, 2015 03:47 AM UTC

Hi Arn,
We analyzed your query. A support incident to track the status of this query has been created under your account. Please log on to our support website to check for further updates
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Farjana Parveen A

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