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Filtering Elemts on specific level


in the built in filter function of the OlapClient filtering is done on all entries that are currently shown. What we want to provide in our project is to perform filtering on a specific level of the hierarchy, e.g. in the adventure works database, show all years thats total Internet Sales Amount is greater than ...$. Is it possible to (programmatically) filter according to a specific level. Additionally the OlapClient looses all its drill functionality after filtering. Is it possible to show drillable cells after filtering?

To make clear my intention i send you a screenshot of a pivot table in Microsoft Excel. In the surrounded drop down list you can select a specific level. If you then go to "Value filter" -> "Grater than", all values of that level not fitting to the selected condition will be removed from the table. After that the pivot table remains in the same structure as before. Hence I can drill down the remaining cells in the normal behavior to see, which values exactly are behind the remaining values. Is it possible to provide filtered olap grids with exactly that behavior with the OlapClient?

If all this or parts of my request are possible, can you give me an example how to implement this? 

Best regards

Thomas Gramer

Attachment: Excel_Pivot_Table__level_specific_filter_5f50c8c.zip

1 Reply

AD Alagarsamy D Syncfusion Team August 20, 2015 07:08 AM UTC

Hi Sven,

Yes, we can programmatically filter the records besides each hierarchy and please find the UG link pointing the same. This would be close to your requirement.

Meanwhile we currently don’t have support to drill our OLAP Grid further after filtering and will let you know once the feature in implemented.

Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Alagarsamy D.

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