Hi Manolo,
Thanks for using Syncfusion products.
We have analyzed your shared sample and found that you have missed to refer “ej.webform.min.js” file in your application. In order to perform post back we must refer the webform script file as shown in the following code snippet.
<script src='<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js") %>' ></script>
<script src='<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/jquery.easing.1.3.min.js") %>' ></script>
<script src='<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/jquery.globalize.min.js") %>' ></script>
<script src='<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/jsrender.min.js") %>' ></script>
<script src='<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/ej/ej.web.all.min.js") %>' ></script>
<script src='<%= ResolveUrl("~/Scripts/ej/ej.webform.min.js") %>' ></script>
For your convenience we have modified the sample and the same can be downloaded from the following location.
Also we are having Knowledge Base documentation regarding this issue and the documentation link can be found below.
Please let us know if you have further concern.